Next Meeting at ICC2023

The next meeting of the World Cartographic Forum will take place at ICC2023, Cape Town, on Thursday 17th August. It forms Session 35F, which runs from 12:40 to 14:30 in Meeting Room 1.61.


  1. Welcome
  2. Chair’s update since ICC2021 (Florence)
  3. Updates from National Mapping and Cartographic Societies
  4. Discussion Topic: What can we do to promote ethical cartography?
  5. Next Meeting

Membership of the World Cartographic Forum is open to any broadly national cartographic/mapping society. Attendees at Forum meetings comprise society presidents (or their nominees) plus one other senior representative of each national-level cartographic/mapping society (i.e. a maximum of two representatives per society).

We look forward to seeing you in Cape Town!

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all national cartographic societies and their members! Wishing you a healthy and prosperous start to 2022.

We held an excellent meeting at ICC2021 in Florence last December.

One of the outcomes from the meeting was the creation of a guide for societies to host online activities. This will be produced and uploaded soon.

We are also compiling a page for student and other awards that are offered by mapping societies. Please get in touch so that we can list these on our website.

News of other successful initiatives and strategies is always welcome and we encourage you to get in touch so that these can be shared with the Forum.

Forthcoming Meeting – ICC2019

The next meeting of the World Cartographic Forum will take place at the International Cartographic Conference (ICC2019) in Tokyo, on Friday 19th July from 12:30 to 13:30 in Conference Room 1 of the Plaza Heisei.

During the meeting, past presidents from NACIS (North American Cartographic Society) and BCS (British Cartographic Society) will deliver short presentations on their experiences in leading these societies.

Membership of the World Cartographic Forum is open to any broadly national cartographic/mapping society. Attendees at Forum meetings comprise society presidents (or their nominees) plus one other senior representative of each national-level cartographic/mapping society (i.e. a maximum of two representatives per society).

We look forward to seeing you in Tokyo!


Inaugural Meeting – ICC2017

The World Cartographic Forum was officially launched at the 28th International Cartographic Conference which was held in Washington, D.C. in 2017.

The Forum aims to bring together leaders of national mapping and cartographic societies from around the world to discuss common issues and to foster collaboration and the learning of new skills in our fast-changing field.